Age Concern: Week 1, Ending Up With A Knackered "Susan"
Photo / Thinkstock via NZ Herald My brain feels like it is both full and that is has been working out for at least a month. Let's start with the "full" and OMG, my handover from Natalie (departing Age Concern Horowhenua Manager) has been gold standard, an exemplar of how to do it. I am not from the "industry" and entering a role that has to have it's eye over all parts of the organisation, from staff, work programmes, finance + funding, policies & procedures, admin of all things, and working 'on' as well as 'in' the business it is a LOT to take onboard. Luckily I have Nat who has learnt from past experiences and stepped up to give me the most amazing intro and then handover - so comprehensive, digestible, and ultimately useful. My brain has probably got all the information now and is spending nearly all it's time synthesising, grouping, connecting, prioritising, and making sense of it all for me (like I'm some other entity outsid...