Aroha Wellington - A Look Back, Forward, And THANK YOU
Thank you ❤
I was sat in the Welsh Dragon Bar garden stressed to the max an hour or so before the event. This was all on my shoulders, this was about me, this was my event, me me me. And then people turned up to set-up, Nat and Kristen came out to wrap their arms around me and headed back in to sort out their recording position, Ryan arrived and moved equipment around, Hannah gave me a pint and a smile. I was not alone - and that was the point of Aroha Wellington, none of us are alone!
I then remembered Anna's line at the previous week's unconference about each session, "Don't forget, those that are there are those that are meant to be there."
It was a small gathering and everyone has since told me they all had a great time - that is all that matters.
So to each and everyone one of you that turned up, thank you.
To all those that supported the event in so many ways, thank you.
So now, what?
- Take your ex-colleague out for a local lunch
- Stay in touch with those you met
- Sign-up and get connected
Right, I am off to pay the bills ...
A massive shout out to the following:
Aroha Wellington 2025? Maybe, what do you think?
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