Aroha Wellington Is For YOU

Thank you to all those that have already bought tickets. An extra special thank you to those that have used the event to 'pay it forward' even though they're not able to attend, how wonderful are you.

Aroha Wellington is a weird event - not quite a Christmas do, certainly not a conference, and whilst there's entertainment it's not a gig. It is all of these plus more.

Of course at its heart is the desire for at least 1/2 the attendees to show support to those struggling with these ongoing Wellington tough times.

The fun and entertainment is a given - music, comedy, podcast recordings, and photo snaps for you to get silly with. But there is a serious side, and that's to share info, connections, and market insights, as well as survival hints & thrive-able tips.

Are you any of these:
  • Talking to the same people (friends & family) and getting the same, sympathetic no doubt, responses, 
  • Living inside your head going over and over the situation, 
  • Struggling to find a purpose that doesn't include your past work life, 
  • Sitting inside an echo chamber of one when trying to come up with solutions, 
  • Scared, worried, stressed about the future and don't know who to talk with, or
  • Stuck, frozen, and maybe even hiding away (this is how I reacted).
These are not only natural but to be expected, it is tough out there and you are NOT alone.
If any of that list resonates with you then Aroha Wellington is primarily for you and will make a positive difference in your life.

Being able to get out of any potential downward spirals, to connect with new and relevant people, and to gain insights that might spur different approaches to job hunting, may not be an instant solution however it will help you take the first of those steps and you will resolve your situation once you do.

To that end you will have access to a whole stack of recruitment agents, industry associations, and Wellington-focused growth agency people. We will not only be urging everyone to have a chat, swap contact details at least, but also to talk to as many as possible ... you'll win prizes if you do.

Oh hi, my name's Mike ... um, I hear you know about the hospo industry, man I just cannot get a job at the moment. 
Hi, yes I am Sarah and you're right, I work for XYZ and we are really working hard at getting our amazing hospo industry back up and thriving again. So, where have you been looking? 
Oh, you know the usual places, just nothing. 
It's tough eh, you're not alone. I do know that Petone's Jackson Street is doing quite well, have you thought about looking there? 
Oh, Petone, hah, no, I hadn't. Funny, that's where I grew up, can't believe I didn't. 
Let me give you my email address because I am sure, but will have to check, there's a job coming up in a great cafe. 
Oh, that would be so cool, thank you so so much. 
My pleasure, it's why I've come along tonight. Oh, and here, don't forget to take a sticker, gotta collect get them all to win eh. Good luck, and I'll talk early next week. 
Thanks Sarah, I really appreciate it.
This type of conversation has already generated and, on the night, it will be full of them.

The best thing of course is it's free for you, someone will (now you tell them about it) buy themselves a ticket AND yours. And the music, podcast, comedy, beer, food is all there no matter what conversations you have.

Whether you're in hospo, were recently a senior government Project Manager, are no longer a health worker, or maybe a start-up that's suffering, this event is FOR YOU!


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